A few of the conditions that confront pigs on factory farms
Farrowing crate — Another movement-restriction device, this one designed to immobilize the sow while she is nursing her piglets
Unnatural Flooring — Floors of wire mesh, metal grating, fiberglass, or concrete, with no bedding materials
Snipped tails — Piglets' tails are cut off to reduce tail biting, which is caused in the first place by the stress of the cramped quarters
Overuse of Antibiotics — These are required to keep animals healthy in overcrowded, stressful, non-natural environments
Noxious atmosphere — Closed environments where the air contains ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, feed dust, and the gases from decomposing fecal matter
Unnatural Flooring — Floors of wire mesh, metal grating, fiberglass, or concrete, with no bedding materials
Snipped tails — Piglets' tails are cut off to reduce tail biting, which is caused in the first place by the stress of the cramped quarters
Overuse of Antibiotics — These are required to keep animals healthy in overcrowded, stressful, non-natural environments
Noxious atmosphere — Closed environments where the air contains ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, feed dust, and the gases from decomposing fecal matter
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