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Saturday, May 24, 2008

Global Warming 2100

All we now that people always talk about global warming. What is Global warming? Global warming is basically the increase in the temperatures of the Earth's atmosphere, land masses and oceans. The surface temperature of our earth is at an average of 59F, and over the last hundred years that figure to about 1F. By the year 2100, the average change in temperature on Earth could be in the range of 2.5F about 10F, enough to melt the glaciers and the polar ice caps.

Global warming is naturally always increased every year. Global warming become big problem in our lives is due to human activities, because human activities contributed significantly to the accident and the severity. This began about 240 years earlier, when the industrial revolution was begun. As more and more fossil fuels have been produced, and burned, gas as the byproduct of this process began to be released in the atmosphere. Currently it is estimated that 75% of the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by the burning of these fossil fuels.


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