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Monday, May 26, 2008

Why hybird Cars

The reason is simple. Despite the high efficiency of gasoline, the fuel made pollution to environment and fuel price is getting more expensive each day. Hybrid cars run on electric motor battery that can be recharged. In addition, hybrid cars can control pollution to minimize the global warming impact. Hmmm, this gets interesting. The next issue is to find information about the total cost to product hybrid cars

Type of hybird cars

The hybrid cars combining the power of a gasoline engine of the environmental advantage of an electric motor, what most considered a better car. There are essentially two types of hybrid cars on the market today. Hybrid cars use the gasoline engine to charge the battery. The battery operates the electric motor in the car. The gasoline engine is only use where electricity supply is needed. Another type of hybrid cars is getting the power from electric motor. Hybrid cars fuel consumption is around thirty to fifty miles per gallon of gasoline.

The toxic PS3, Wii, and Xbox

PS3, Wii, and Xbox contained high bromine in their circuit boards and plastic casings. Brominated flame retardants are not easily break up in the environment. Long-term exposure can lead to a deterioration of learning and memory functions. Bromine can also interfere with the thyroid and hormone estrogen and exposure in the womb can couse behavior problems.

Components of the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 also a high level of phthalates, one of which - DEHP - is known to deal with sexual development in mammals: including the people and especially men.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Aftershock Magnitude 4.9 GANSU, CHINA

A powerful aftershock destroyed tens of thousands of households in central China, on Sunday, killing two people and they become a burden test for efforts to rehabilitate the country, the earthquake in three decades. More than 480 more were injured.

Picture : USGS

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Several uses of compost

Composts used to the care of plants, gardens and lawns, but it is not a alternate for fertilizers. The compost remains the nutrients in the soil it loosens clay soil and conservation of water quality in the sandy soils. There are several uses for the compost. These are:

1. Composts could to improve soil quality. Since the nutrients, compost, it serves as food for the plants. By mixing the compost in your garden once a year, it would be the growth of plants.

2. Composts could be used as a potting mixture.

3. Composts could be used as mulch. Mulch mixed with compost to help the conversation water in the soil and could for the prevention of slugs and snails. Mulch the conservation of soil and prevents the heat escapes, which ultimately from the root.

4. Composts could be used as decoration. In the garden, and everything the soil, these compounds serve as a patch high above the turf.

Kompos sistem Aerob

Banyak cara yang bisa dilakukan untuk mengurangi sampah rumah tangga menjadi sesuatu yang bermanfaat. Seperti yang di lakukan bapak Daning dari cempaka putih barat yang melakukan pemilahan sampah rumah tangga menjadi kompos dengan komposter buatan sendiri. Berikut ini adalah yang dilakukan Bapak daning dalam mengelola sampah dilingkungan RW 09 Cempaka Putih Barat

  1. Taburkan kompos yang sudah jadi secukupnya ke dalam komposter sebelum diisi sampah untuk mempercepat proses pengomposan.
  2. Pilih sampah organik yang mudah membusuk dari sisa dapur atau daun-daun tanaman.
  3. Rajanglah sampah yang berukuran besar menjadi 2 cm sampai 4 cm.
  4. Masukan hasil rajangan ke komposter kemudian tutup rapat.
  5. Biarkan tumpukan bahan kompos selama 2 minggu pertama, selanjutnya aduk tumpukan kompos tersebut setiap minggu sampai dengan 8-10 minggu untuk menghasilkan kompos yang baik, jika tidak melakukan pengadukan secara teratur akan mengakibatkan waktu yang lama untuk menghasilkan kompos.
  6. Hentikan pengisian apabila sudah sampai pipa paralon atas pada komposter, biarkan dan tunggu sampai 30 hari.
  7. Cek hasil kompos dari lubang kecil di bagian bawah, apabila warna kompos sudah menyerupai tanah, berarti kompos sudah jadi dan siap untuk dipanen/digunakan.

Ada beberapa hal penting yang harus diperhatikan dalam membuat kompos dengan komposter ini.

  1. Jangan memasukan sampah kering (anorganik) seperti plastik, kertas, juga tulang/daging ke dalam komposter.
  2. Jangan menempatkan komposter di tempat yang terkena matahari langsung agar suhu udara dalam komposter selalu lembab atau stabil.
  3. sisa sayuran sebaiknya dicuci terlebih dahulu sebelum dimasukkan ke dalam komposter agar tidak menimbulkan bau.
  4. Apabila proses kompos terlalu basah dan bau dapat ditaburkan dengan serbuk gergaji, dedek (sekam), abu gosok, atau tanah kering halus.
  5. Jangan memasukan biji-bijian yang besar (mangga, alpukat,durian) kedalam KOMPOSTER !
Silahkan langsung menghubungi Bapak Daning Sardani di 0815 11216587 jika tertarik untuk membuat kompos dengan komposter dan ikut menyelamatkan lingkungan kita.

How to build compost bin

Composting can be achieved in a compost pile. However, the construction of a compost bin is an effective way to reduce garden and kitchen waste. The important is compost bins should able to control heat and humidity to accelerate the composting process.

What you need to know, about the compost bin is about should not be greater than 3 m high and 3 meters wide. It is also necessary that is needed to place where it is not wet or shade, so that any organic material rots in a dark mass coward. If you want your own price Compost bin, you can make from old of corrugated iron or wood.

Try to build compost am fittings corner with 4, 4 meters long and must be inserted into the soil. The sides are made of 3 m long wood, 3 cm wide and at least 1 cm thick. You need six which for each side a total of 24 units. They are spaced about 4 cm in hand and screwed in the corner.

For removable side, a set of pieces of 3 inches shorter than others are screwed on two separate tracks corner of 2-5 cm wide and 1 cm thick. The unit slides in two fixed positions in the corner in groove or a channel made from two pieces of 3 m distance wood from both fixed corner of two thin strips of wood and 1one quarter of an inch thick and 1 cm wide. All wood must be treated against decay.

Global Warming 2100

All we now that people always talk about global warming. What is Global warming? Global warming is basically the increase in the temperatures of the Earth's atmosphere, land masses and oceans. The surface temperature of our earth is at an average of 59F, and over the last hundred years that figure to about 1F. By the year 2100, the average change in temperature on Earth could be in the range of 2.5F about 10F, enough to melt the glaciers and the polar ice caps.

Global warming is naturally always increased every year. Global warming become big problem in our lives is due to human activities, because human activities contributed significantly to the accident and the severity. This began about 240 years earlier, when the industrial revolution was begun. As more and more fossil fuels have been produced, and burned, gas as the byproduct of this process began to be released in the atmosphere. Currently it is estimated that 75% of the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by the burning of these fossil fuels.

Feedjit - Simple and powerfull

Thanks to Feedjit... on 22 May 2008, Green Environment plug this tools to analyze what most read article from this blog and visitor country. You don't need to register or log in into web page, just open your blog and you can directly analyze what most visitors read from your blog.
For example, you can see most visitor green environment is from Indonesia. Ok then, what you can find from the web is the next big event that will happen in Indonesia is Jakarta Green and Clean program. This Jakarta Green and Clean program is from Univelever, providing course for household level how to processing organic waste into compos with simple technology.
Another big event is The Eagle Awards Program, with Title "Hijau Indonesiaku", is documentary competition for all people who care about environment. The last date to sign up is on 6 June 2008.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Whats new in Green Environment Blog

Green environment blog made some change in the blog layout. Now visitor can check the most read article in Green environment and visitor location by map and country name. Thanks to feedjit who provide great tools for Blogger and Free to use.

Can hybird car save your money?

Oil prices rose above $ 135 per barrel for the first time Thursday, with concerns about supply, global demand and a weakening of U.S. dollar driving crude futures up. Oil prices is booming and that is certainly will not be more like a stay in constant prices over a long period of time.
A solution to the problem of oil prices is to change our car with hybrid car, but you know that some have said that it takes much more fuel to produce a hybrid car. If you are still using oil for any reason, to save fuel try to avoid traffic jams when you travel with your car. Another option is to work from home or at home to earn money with your laptop and Internet connection.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

French soccer team and climate change

Another funny fact about climate change that can no longer be ignored

French Soccer Team 1959

French Soccer Team 2008

Polar bear and global warming

This is what i feel in last few days, just like this polar bear funny video. I think the weather temperature is not friendly for me..
Our small world is getting hot and hot each day

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Wind turbines at home

Before buying, new wind turbines at home for you and your home with another source of energy, you should know the overall performance from wind in your area to create energy from your wind turbine.
Your first step is to determine, for example, how much power to produce, from your existing electrical service (bills). Explore all your kilowatts of usage per month. After that, you should know, wind power in your area. For you live in Canada, Environment Canada is the website to see the average wind speed and energy to three different heights, as well as three geographic areas (length roughness, topography, land / water mask).

Generating electricity from wind turbines

Wind... source of energy for our lives. Normally we use the electricity to the wind, do you know that we can use wind turbines to make electricity? Generating electricity from wind turbines is extremely clean sources rather then we use fuel. No pollution, non-hazardous waste, which kills the sensitive living things, nothing dangerous waste if we use wind turbines to make electricity.
The wind turbines are turning things that produce energy when the wind blown by the wind turns the leaves to roll a joint tree with a generator of electricity. The most common wind turbines that people know today is the horizontal axis turbines; they are much more efficient and are able to sufficiently large amounts of energy compared to other types of renewable energies.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Recycling Tips

Below are some tips for the recycling of various types of materials that you use in your office or at home. The recycling can help the environment in many ways, and it is important that you do not do not underestimate what you can do.
Bags can be reused in shops or as waste in bags at home. Paper bags useful packaging and twist ties can be used to secure loose items together, such as home theater equipment. Envelopes stick labels on the address you can recycle the envelopes. If not, the old envelopes can be used as draft paper notes.

For computer user

We all know that computers are not necessarily on carbon fuels, but we use the electricity for our computer every day and the amount has been used increasingly in recent decades, as more people buy PCs at home, to take the benefit from the world of computing. Can we help to minimize the global warming effect because of our computers? The answer is yes.

So, you're probably asking what solutions it can help reduce your contribution to this global warming problem. There are many opportunities to help relieve our mother earth:

* Turn off your computer, if not in use
* Make sure your state of rest at a inactivity Lesser Time
* Install free software, Free CO2 Saver to manage you computer power.
* Try to use alternative energy for your home (solar, wind, etc.)
* Try outdoor activities without a car.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

How to save the earth today?

How to save the earth today? Do something simple, whether in the office or at home. Don’t let the devices such as televisions and computers on standby and do not forget to unplug devices such as cell phones if charging process is complete. Let things in the standby position are still consuming electricity around 10-20% of your electricity per year. Passing your thermostat by 1 ยบ C could reduce your heating bills up to 10 percent (an average of £ 30). For your information, that the best temperature for a living room is 21 ° C. And make sure that you set your thermostat in your house heat only when needed during the day when you're there.

Smart Car for save our earth

Smart Car, one of the latest innovations in the field of automotive engineering, and this is a car, the specific use of artificial intelligence or AI for his work. These intelligent cars are dependent on the technology and expertise and are supported in their functioning of computer technology and automation. It is believes that the smart cars are developed, initiated and in the future, will have various advanced functions such as monitoring by satellites, self parking and the most significant departures Shuttle cars without drivers. Smart cars are also responsible for the smart control of Environmental pollution and anti-lock breaking systems.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Earthquake data in china

1. Estimated population exposed by earthquake in China

2. Population exposure map

3.Facts about earthquake in China

  • Overall, the structures in this region are vulnerable to earthquakes shake, although some structures are stable. An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.4 suggested the Sichuan region of China on 23 August 1976 (UTC) with an assessment of exposure of the population from 1500 to IX or more intensity and in 5700 the intensity VIII, within 41 dead. In addition, a magnitude of 7.3 suggested that region in 1933, 6800 people killed. The recent earthquake in this area is also the danger of landslides, which have contributed to losses. Users should refer to the provisional nature of this information and the updates that additional data are available.

Source : USGS

Earthquakes in last ten years

Did you know that in the last ten years, the number of earthquakes are more and more power, and is so? Something will have impact on our small planet.

> In 1998, there were 21688 earthquakes in the world: 30479 in 2005.
> In 1998 there were 7303 of 4.0-4.9 Richter scale: 13920 in 2005
> in 1998 there were 979 of 5.0-5.9 Richter scale: 1694 in 2005

Source: USGS (United States Geological Survey).

It could be that we are always better detection. It could be a freak anomaly. It could be something else. What we do know is that more earthquakes more energy on the Richter scale it will make a big damage for the environment. Remember that the earthquakes are on a logarithmic scale. An earthquake of 5.0 is ten times higher than 4.0. And a 6.0 is a powerful 100x more 4.0.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Is it possible we can replace fuel with salt water?

At the molecular level, salt water forming atoms of hydrogen, oxygen, sodium and chlorine. The radio waves at a frequency to disrupt the relationship between these molecules liberator of hydrogen in the form of free gas, which burns hot in the presence of oxygen, more than 3000 degrees, which is a lot of heat.
This may have been that we never knew, and never expected, but here it can be brief.

Wood Pellets as a source of renewable energy

Today the world watches the use of wood pellets. As a source of rich natural biodegradable pastilles the energy can be essential if the gas and petroleum fuels are exhausted. One of the reasons why these wood pellets are a renewable source of energy is due to the fact that they are made of wood. Although the wood burns the carbon dioxide emissions since the factory have consumed during their growth. It is also the carbon dioxide fossils are more and more in emissions to the total emissions of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Wood pellets are basically comprised of wasted sawdust in its compressed form. Today several countries such as Sweden, Northern America, Denmark as well as Austria employ the usage of this form of energy. Currently the UK offers a conducive environment for the use of such wood pellets. In fact these are being increasingly used here as a biodegradable source of energy.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Print Green - Save the Environment

Saving the environment is a responsibility for us all, and therefore what we can do is to print green.

Printing green door on processes, reduce waste, recovery and realize that other environmentally-friendly measures led to friendly printing operation. These printing machines in their process must cause minimal damage to the environment. The main concern of a printing machine is green effectively manage waste. The objective is that less waste is produced, would mean less take measures to eliminate this waste. Waste Management is launching a pre-determination, efforts focus on pollution prevention; management processes photographic chemicals and use of used discs, etc. In addition, waste is separated into categories such as hazardous waste and non-hazardous. The discharge of hazardous waste is done in an environmentally sound way.

High volatile organic compounds are a major cause of air pollution in the printing industry. These links evaporate very quickly at room temperature, which not only adds more than substance, but also leads to air pollution. Green-printer with low VOC's, in its printing process, will have impact in reduction of emissions into the air and less consumption of materials.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Saving energy with this monitoring system freebie.

Keeping your computer to sleep or standby mode is a good way to save energy and decrease your e-bill. Unfortunately, Windows interpreter sometimes network activity or other signals from devices, such as the reasons for your system alive. For Windows to nudge the country of NOD, try to CO2 Saver. The power saving mode Custom dialogue about this freeware tool has a check box is exactly what CO2 Saver is doing . CO2 Saver sits on your desk and shows you how much CO2 (and others) that way.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Laptop Vs Desktop

World is now facing problem with energy. For people who use computer is now time to setting your computer to minimize the use of energy. Try to use laptop rather than desktop. If you are Windows XP and Windows Vista Ultimate user, try configure power management settings to get the minimize consumption of energy. Only use your laptop or desktop if you are really need and turn it off when you finish.

Haircut to new hairstyle

Do you realize that haircut can give positive impact in our live? After you go to barber shop, cut your hair and when you meet people you feel fresh and happy. And the most important is that you will use less shampoo before haircut. Just pay attention right now, if you never go to barber shop to cutting your hair more then 3 month, go to barber shop and try new hair style. You will feel the different and get smile from people around you. Have a nice haircut!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Climate change

The climate has shifted in the past, and species have usually adapted. This time, however, man has placed a huge amount of infrastructure in the way of the gradual migratory shifts that would be essential to such adaptation. Climate change was recently identified as the number two likely cause of future species declines (after habitat loss).
In recent usage, especially in the context of environmental policy, the term "climate change" often refers to changes in modern climate (Global Warming).

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